
Friday, December 16, 2005

the inaugural carols in the parkland

well i'm pretty sure it was the inaugural occurance... anyways, went and met up with some clay folk to watch the carols in the parkland at the amphitheatre of the roma street parkland. the photo on the left was the only shot i took of our people, and there's "uncle" slow_poke in his yellow poncho :) it was a rather wet day and not the best of conditions for an outdoor event, but despite the unfavourable weather a lot of people turned out and the place was already filling up an hour before the pre-show kids program. it's always hard trying to arrange for a big group of people to go to a public event, especially when you don't know exactly who/how many people are coming, or when they're arriving. thus the few of us who got there early and managed to bag some space in prime position (directly in front of the stage, and about mid-way up the concrete steps/seats) soon had to make the choice of either staying where we were, or giving up our seats in order to join the latecomers, the numbers of which would not fit in the space we had reserved. and so we trotted off to the grassed area on the side and watched the event mainly via one of the two screens. photo on left shows the view from our position, and also an indication of the crowd. i didn't actually watch a lot of the show, nor sing many carols cos i ended up doing a lot of to-ing and fro-ing for various supplies and trying to organise food and direct people to parking. that plus the fact that it rained at various times during the show (the heavier storms having passed by before the show started). but i still got to see rebecca st james perform, which was probably my main reason for going in the first place. i'm not that much of a fan, and i've only ever bought one of her albums, but ever since a few years ago i've been wanting to go see/hear her. there was one time probably in the late 90's when i found out that she was in town for a concert, and i discovered that though based in the states, she is actually a local girl, and so thought how cool let's go and check it out! but due to a couple of complicating factors (stupid story and too long to tell/explain) i stayed home that night. i think she returned a few years later and i can't even remember why but i didn't make it to that concert either. so when i saw the flyer for this carols thing with her name as one of the guest artists, i thought: this is my chance! heh... here's a shot of her performing "you are loved" from her latest album, "If I Had One Chance To Tell You Something". this photo was taken from about 3m away... don't think i could have managed that (ie walk right up to the stage) at an actual concert! :p

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